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reported less than a century ago, and until the 1980s only a few case reports had been published (for example by Watson). 6 Commonly used midcarpal fusion procedures include scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (STT), scaphocapitate (SC), capitate
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through the gap between the carpal bones (‘drive-through phenomena’). Total injury => open re-insertion or ligament reconstruction RC, radiocarpal joint; MC, mid-carpal joint Carpal instability and symptoms Carpal instability
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results available Longer recovery time Shortening May develop midcarpal instability Remaining symptoms Rationale for total joint replacement Advantages Faster recovery Following TJA, the thumb is not or only shortly immobilized
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screw protrusion, and to allow detection of associated intrinsic and extrinsic ligament injuries. 36 We recommend retrograde screw fixation with visualization of fracture reduction through the mid-carpal portals. Particularly, in cases with severe