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Introduction Extensor mechanism failure is an uncommon but serious complication after primary or revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It is associated with significant morbidity and reduced quality of life due to extensor lag, instability
Ortoklinik & Cankaya Orthopedics, Ankara, Turkey
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Avcilar Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
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Ortoklinik & Cankaya Orthopedics, Ankara, Turkey
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Extensor mechanism disruptions are serious knee injuries resulting in considerable loss of function and morbidity. The injury may present itself in three main settings, namely, primary ruptures of the tendon, disruptions in patients with a knee
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. Intraoperative Errors in surgical technique are the most frequent cause of postoperative stiff TKA. 8 It is important to restore physiological gap balance and minimize surgical trauma to the lateral retinacula ligament and extensor mechanism as this can
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significant ligamentous laxity and small patella embedded in a short, laterally displaced extensor mechanism which acts as a knee flexor with consequent lack of active and passive knee extension and crouching gait. Fig. 1 14-year-old boy with acute
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patients with knee instability. The instability can be due to insufficient ligamentous support and balance and weakness of the joint capsule in cases of multiple revised TKA, rheumatoid knees or neurologic disorders, dysfunction of the extensor mechanism
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(eight knees), loosening and bone loss associated with chronic extensor mechanism disruption (two knees), component instability with chronic medial collateral ligament disruption (three knees) and comminuted distal femur fracture (one knee). Short
Instituto Clinico Citta Studi, Milan, Italy
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King Edward VII Hospital, London, UK
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knee has led researchers and surgeons to focus primarily on these tissues that make up the extensor mechanism of the joint and the surrounding stabilising structures, collectively called the ‘third space of the knee’. The third space The name
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. Following establishment of the lateral gutter, the lateral patellofemoral ligament is identified with the knee still in flexion. Flexing the knee slowly while externally rotating the tibia reduces stress on the extensor mechanism. The medial release may be
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extensor mechanism and two infections that required an arthrodesis. Neuman et al 21 reported on 24 cases of rotating-hinge knee implants (Zimmer Biomet®) with a large total distraction distance to decrease the risk of dislocation seen with the Endo
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Optimal exposure Different postoperative protocol Extensor lag Tibial tubercle osteotomy Optimal exposure Different postoperative protocol Realignment extensor mechanism Nonunion Knee pain in kneeling