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lower limb. Surgery is performed on a radiolucent table and fluoroscopy is used throughout the procedure. The procedure is illustrated in Fig. 2 . Fig. 2 Surgical technique for calcaneonavicular coalition excision: (a) Ollier’s incision, (b
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Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile
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prepped and draped. The leg is elevated, and a tourniquet is applied and inflated. A 2 to 3 cm incision is made centred at the level of the physis. Care is taken not to damage the periosteum. Under cross-table fluoroscopic guidance, a Keith needle is
University Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Serbia
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University Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Serbia
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University Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Serbia
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University Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Serbia
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of the upper and sciatic nerve of the lower limb of cadavers. The surgical approach to the both UL and LL nerves is direct. The nerves of interest are the median and the ulnar nerve of UL and the sciatic nerve (tibial nerve) for LL. Skin incision and
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. Spinner et al described a double snapping sensation with the nerve subluxing at 90 degrees and the triceps dislocating at 110 degrees of elbow flexion. 18 Tinel’s sign is elicited by tapping over the course of the UN from the fingers in a proximal