Editorial Board


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photograph of Professor Pierre Hoffmeyer

Pierre Hoffmeyer
Professor Emeritus, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland


Scientific Editor

Pietro Ruggieri, University of Padova, Padova, Italy


Honorary Scientific Editor

George Bentley, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK


Professor Emeritus

Wolfhart Puhl, Orthopädische Spezialklinik Oberstdorf, Oberstdorf, Germany


Associate Editors


Basic Science/General Orthopaedics

Bernd Grimm, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Enrique Gómez Barrena, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain

Foot & Ankle

Marino Delmi, Clinique des Grangettes, Geneva, Switzerland


Luigi Zagra, Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute IRCCS, Milan, Italy


Hermes Miozzari, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis

Christophe Combescure, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland


Pietro Ruggieri, University of Padova, Padova, Italy


Yael Gelfer, St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Shoulder & Elbow

Przemysław Lubiatowski, University of Medical Sciences in Poznań, Rehasport Clinic, Poznań, Poland


Constantin Schizas, Hirslanden Clinique Cecil, Lausanne, Switzerland

Sports & Arthroscopy

René Verdonk, Dept Orthopedics & Trauma, University Hospital Gent, Gent, Belgium


Ulrich Stöckle, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany


Editorial Board


Jean-Noel Argenson, Aix-Marseille University, France

Stéphane Armand, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland

Mathieu Assal, La Colline Centre of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Switzerland

Bülent Atilla, Hacettepe University, Turkey

Semih Aydogdu, Ege University Hospital, Turkey

Zsolt Balogh, John Hunter Hospital and University of Newcastle, Australia

Raul Barco, Hospital La Paz Madrid, Spain

Haluk Berk, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey

Marko Bumbasirevic, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Antonio Cartucho, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Portugal

Manuel Cassiano Neves, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Portugal

Panayiotis Christofilopoulos, Hopital de la Tour, Switzerland

Catalin Cirstoiu, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

Mehmet Demirhan, Koc University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Pieter J Erasmus, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Pedro Luis Esteban Navarro, Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell, Andorra

Eduardo Garcia-Cimbrelo, Hospital La Paz Madrid, Spain/p>

Peter Giannoudis, Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, UK

Philippe Hernigou, Hospital Henri Mondor, University of Paris-Est, France

Nicolas Holzer, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland

Ashok Johari, Children's Orthopaedic Centre, India

Andreas Leithner, Medical University Graz, Austria

Anne Lubbeke, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland

George Macheras, KAT Hospital, Athens, Greece

Edward T Mah, Calvary Orthopaedic & Hand Care Centre, Adelaide, Australia

Pierre Mansat, University Hospital of Toulouse, France

Jorge Mineiro, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Portugal

Maziar Mohaddes, Gothenburg University & Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden

Manuel Monteagudo, University Hospital Quironsalud, Madrid, Spain

Josep Muñoz Vives, Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell, Andorra

Philippe Neyret, Hôpital de la Croix Rousse Lyon, France

Søren Overgaard, Odense University, Denmark

Annette W-Dahl, Skåne University Hospital Lund, Sweden

Heinz Winkler, Osteitis Center, Private Clinic Doebling, Austria


Editors' declarations are listed in the journal's Disclosure Policy.